Love your office space

…Red stapler not required

Whether it be a homey hidey-hole like my current office, or a cramped desk in the middle of your bedroom like my old “office”, you most likely spend a lot of your day at your workspace and unless you’re diabolical and like staring at your co-workers all day on Zoom, you should make sure you enjoy it!

Here are a few tips and tricks I learned along the way:


Before you say it, I’m totally aware I have a problem. No, you don’t have to go to this level of crazy (seriously, watering my plants is like a full time job) but at least get one or two little guys to brighten your day. If you’re a Black Thumb-er like I used to be, you could consider getting something fake or invest in a moisture meter to learn how and when to water your plant(s). Just a warning: it’s the gateway drug. I AM PROUD TO BE AN ADDICT.


It is so easy to let papers and post-its get out of hand and who wants to spend the end of of a long day tidy-ing up to bring joy? If any of you raised your hands, bless you but I’m putting you in the diabolical Zoom bucket. Make a space on a nearby wall for your post-it notes. Hide your cords with either a hidden cable box or twist ties. It doesn’t all have to be fancy, but finding a way to organize the clutter really makes a world of difference.

Practical Feng Shui

I say practical but we don’t all have the luxury of having our own home office with perfect dimensions. Placing my desk in “command center” would mean I’d have the window behind me - I’d rather have a view of the outdoors than I would of the hallway, so facing the wall it is. Use sunlight where possible and avoid having lights that point down or act as spotlights to reduce glare and fatigue. Lastly, add some artwork or a favorite saying on the wall to keep you inspired (only slight judgement if it’s Live, Laugh, Love).


Wallpaper is back - here are some ideas


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