Wallpaper is back - here are some ideas

I am a member of a local interior design FB group called “Group Therapy for Old Houses + Clueless Owners. There are frequent posts for “What should I do with this wall?” … I am at the point where I have to sit on my hands so I don’t reply “Have you considered a wall covering”? Yes, I know the “trend” isn’t exactly new, but it did take me some time to really embrace it. It brought back memories of my Grandma’s living room and sounded like a big ol’ hassle. But guess what, I was WRONG. Let me show you what I’ve done (and I promise, I’m not on drugs…)

Ode to Brooklyn

I remember when this wallpaper was first “rolled out” (see what I did there?) and I fell in love with it. At the time, I didn’t have a room for it, but the day finally came when I did! This bathroom had that 1970’s look, so we ripped everything out and, full disclosure, designed it around the wallpaper. Fun Fact: it was designed by Mike D from the Beastie Boys!

Flavor Paper

The Boudoir

My husband always makes fun of me because ever since we’ve lived together (which has approximately been since 1887), our bedroom has looked like a hotel room. This is not on purpose and has nothing to do with a nefarious past. Because it is a smaller space, we have only three pieces of furniture in it, so which meant we needed a wallpaper and lighting fixture for that wow factor (I mean the room, get your minds out of the gutter).


The Kids’ Bathroom

Nothing says kid’s bathroom like a bunch of naked ladies! I saw this in a bathroom on the UES and knew one day we’d meet again. She weren’t cheap, but I splurged on this one because it is beautiful and, well, naked ladies!


…Saving the best for last

To reiterate: I swear I do not do drugs. Nor was I on them when I picked out this 1950’s sci-fi pin-up girl wallpaper. I put this up around two years ago and never get tired of looking at it. It is…something. Something, I am aware, that’s not for everyone. I would not impart my “eclectic” taste on any of my clients. I promise. My Grandma would be so proud.


Kid rooms: the struggle is real


Love your office space